
If you use these data in a publication or report we'd love a citation:

The Nature Conservancy (2021): Fishnet Open Images Dataset <version> The Nature Conservancy. Dataset.

Download v1.0.0 Dataset (July 2022)

Images (36.4 GB)

Labels (10 MB)

Release notes: Major update to v020. Added ~57K new images and ~150K new bounding boxes. Added unique ids for cameras, sequences, and unique frames in a sequence. Added splits for training, validation, and testing.

Download v0.2.0 Dataset (September 2020)

Images (12.9 GB)

Labels (5.3 MB)

Release notes: Minor update to v012. Added ~50K new images and ~250K new bounding boxes from 10 new vessels to the v0.1.2 dataset. Added the FAO major fishing area for each annotation.

Download v0.1.2 Dataset (January 2020)

Images (5.7 GB)

Labels (2.1 MB)

Release notes: Patch update after users of the v011 dataset noticed we had quite a few errors in the unidentified category as well as some bounding boxes around features that were hard to decipher. This resulted in eliminating ~3K bounding boxes and ~100 images from the v011 dataset. We also cleaned up some mislabeled fish and added a few more categories for things we missed before. The v012 dataset still has the same limitations as v011 (small, not terribly diverse) however the labels are a bit cleaner thanks to some expert review.

Download v0.1.1 Dataset (May 2019)

Images (5.7 GB)

Labels (2.1 MB)